Thursday, September 8, 2011


hi hi! mixiu mixiu.. hahaa.. it's Wed , Sept 7th 11 11:55pm and i feel sleepy alrd.. so , here , incessant stands for not stopping or keep on going.. am i right am i right? yes of course..
rules :
number 1 : i never wrong
number 2 : if wrong , blame Harpis and go back to number 1 LOL

actually i hate the previous holiday guys.. it held for 7days (damn!) and i didn't know what-to-do , what-to-finish(HW) , and what-to-play during the holiday beside sitting in front of the monitor everyday and playing Atlantica Online Indonesia (thanks for it) , eh , but i still knew what-to-eat LOL

so , the school has begun , and this week , i must be more industrious(?) than before as you guys alrd know that i'm always be the laziest among all..

i didn't understand , why i wanted much more activity when holidays , and i became so lazy to finish them when the holidays had finished.. haiz.. now S.Musik and my computer project is waiting for me to be finished.. but here is the GOOD NEWS! i got 听写 exam on this upcoming Saturday.. fu*k with that! must learn 63numbers in just 3DAYS? WTF! LOL 加油!

hmm , wish me luck for that!

"爱 我 的 我 不 爱 , 我 爱 的 却 不 爱 我”
"a girl's laughter is much more cheerful than a boy's, but a boy's tear is much more meaningful than a girl's"

huaaaa , for god's sake , i like those quotes !
guess what , i got problem in relationship AGAIN! it keeps me feel like a dumb people , sitting alone , BENGONG-ING and imagining waiting for hopeless person to come.. fool me! it won't happen!
Conclusion : You will be confused when another person almost entered you're heart and you still block them from entering and keep waiting for the hopeless one

okay see ya.. adiosss! buenos noches!

VIDEO : Look At Me Now - Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne and Busta Rhymes , since i would rather post Holidays - Miami Horrors feat. Alan Palomo , but the video was unavailable yet~

P.S : sorry for the bad grammar and simple english.. i'm just trying to make the best for this blog

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