Thursday, May 12, 2011

methane , ethane , TEL? WTF?! OMG!

hai! i'm back and erhmmm THE FINAL EXAM IS GETTING CLOSER AAAAAAAAA HELP ME! i have do no preparation for the upcoming exam. oh crashhhh~
whilst , i'm doing the last year question here , and guess what , i'm doing CHEMISTRY. from 3 of science mathematical subject , MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, CHEMISTRY is the subject i most worried about. i'm so bad in those reaction and oil aaaa~ GOD ALWAYS BLESS MY WAY AND FOR ME , KEEP TRYING! XD

anyway, i'm trying a new activity. i'm learning GUITAR and the SONG which I learn was Your Call by Secondhand Serenade. obviously, it seems easy to play it when i saw my friends were playing on it. but the fact , i got some obstacle in putting my left hand in the right position aaaa. haaha. although i'm bad in music instrument anyway but i won't stop my will to learn it.



Monday, May 9, 2011

random topic (1)

hellow Monday , such a effing hot day haiz. fortunately , i didn't get any severe sunburn eww~ i wonder what the world will be at 2012 while this time , the temperature had already reached 37. if 2012 will be the doom year , i hope i wont die because of sunburn. i wish i will die of freezing or survive from the doom. did you guys believe the doom day? truthfully , i 80% believe , cause of nowadays temperature and uncountable disaster. GOD BLESS EARTH!

i have plenty more words to be typed here , but i have no time now. quite busy preparing for the exam which will be held at 25 aiz. it means i only got appx. 2 weeks to prepare before the exam and i dont think i can finish all of the material before that day. silly me~

VIDS OF THE DAY : ALLIGATOR SKY (F.T. B.O.B) - OWL CITY. enjoy your day visitors!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

sunday journey 星 期 日 游 记

(P.S : ignore the mandarin in the titlebox hahaha)
i'm back! so , 8th May 2011 , sunday , was another fascinating day. it started from the morning sport at Cemara Asri. well , i was late enough haha nvm. at there , i did jog and played "Kenchi" while the clock was in its way ticking to apprach 8. well , ehm , i wonder who is the guy with his Kijang Krista which show off his ability to drive or what by travelling around and around our position with his ride. yeah yes, he's annoying. in case, we ignore him and continue our activity. oh damn yes!
so , we got some meal and went to CSC (futsal field). actually, we boys got extra schedule of futsal for 1 hour there while the girls was having their meal at MIEKAKA(?). in addition, my mom and aunty was looking for meal at Bundaran too haha.
we got a very nice play there , where my team was Vincent, EJ, Wendy, Evando, and me , while the opposition was WH,Teheri,KP,Harri, and Erwin. at the beginning of the match , we have lost 5 to 1. after that , we played beautifully by unstoppable control and nice passing and turn the score board to our winning 20 to 9. yeah , it's a nice glory haha.
after futsal , I went home with 3 friends joined my ride. we played PES 2011 till 12 haha. i'm too exhausted so i took nap after playing. laallala~ i'm making this like kindergarten composition wkwk.
MU and Chelsea are fighting for the cup now with the 2 lead by ChiCharito and Vidic for the Red Devils haha. good night!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

pick the epic one

hai youu ! *greeting* well , today is a quite fun and busyyyy day. yeah , i remain busy all the time aizz. so , still got 2 HW waiting to be unchecked. VIDEO of the day , well , i'm not giving any MV anymore today hahahaha! check this out. which one do you think is the best ? CUTE ? WIN ? FAIL ?  i already have mine, and mine is WIN hahaha.

goodnight! have a nice night. OH! Real Madrid don't go to final anyway azz with agregate 3-1. Congratz to Barcelona. my prediction in final , arkhhh, emm , MU V BARCELONA again! hahaha! adios

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

busy dayyyy

hey , i'm back ! but i'm very busy here writting my INDONESIA note aiz! so many. so , here , another MV again. 少女时代 (SNSD) now. enjoy their sexy dance. P.S : SEOHYUN is effing gorgeous OMG!
goodnight. sleep tight! *just have haircut, sighhhhh*

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Newbie Here

well , so , I'm new here.. about me, hmm , bad in english , bad in mandarin , unstoppable gamer , and love music, and maybe bad temper hha.. well , as a beginner here, i'm giving you some video clip to see. and ehmm enjoy this MV. it's GD&TOP - KNOCKOUT, yeah yeah, i'm addicted in korean music recently hooo! it's really a nice and funny MV. their foolishness make me laugh a lot hahaa. goodnight!! *HATE MONDAY*